There was a fortified farmstead in Budyně nad Ohří (Budyne above the river Ohre) since the 13th century. Zbynek from Valdek and Hazmburk received it from the king Jan Luxemburg in 1336 and Jan Zajic from Hazmburk built a late Gothic water castle here in the second half of the 15th century. In the 2nd half of the 16th century the castle was rebuilt in Renaissance style and in 1823 its tower and part of other buildings were destroyed.
The castle is restored now and open to public. Budyne is located in Northern Bohemia about 10 Km south-west of Roudnice nad Labem.
The picture is made of two frames stitched together and it was taken in November 2005.
Tags: Budyne, Bohemia, Czech Republic, castle, architecture, gothic, renaissance