Hluboka Chateau is located in the town of Hluboka nad Vltavou few kilometres from Ceske Budejovice, the capital of Southern Bohemia and the home of famous Budweiser Bier (Budvar).
Early Gothic castle was built here around 1250. In 1562 King Ferdinand I sold Hluboka to the Lords of Hradec who changed the castle into a Renaissance stately home. A century later the Hluboka estate was bought by Jan Adolf I of Schwarzenberg. His grandson Prince Adam Frantisek had the chateau rebuilt in Baroque style by P. I. Bayer and his successor E. Martinelli at the beginning of the 18th century.
In the 2nd half of the 19th century Prince Jan Adolf II with his wife Eleonora ordered the last reconstruction. They invited a Viennese architect Franz Beer, who changed the chateau's Baroque style into the picturesque style of Tudor Gothic. After Beer's death another architect, Ferdinand Deworetsky, completed the reconstruction in 1871.
The Hluboka Chateau if open to public (for fee) from April to October. The large English style park surrounding the chateau is open to public for free all the year.
The photo was taken in June 2006.
Tags: Hluboka, Bohemia, Czech Republic, chateau, gothic, tudor gothic, architecture, Schwarzenberg