The extent ruins of the Okor Castle (hrad Okoř) are located north-west of Prague, just about 15 Km (as the crow flies) from the city centre. That's why it's a popular trip destination of Prague inhabitants.
The Okor village is first mentioned in 1228 as a property of St George Monastery in Prague Castle (klášter sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě). A Gothic castle was built here in 1359 by a wealthy burgher of Prague's Old Town Frantisek Rokycansky, what was quite unusual in those times, when most castles were built by noblemen.
In 15th and 16th centuries The Okor Castle was extended and rebuilt in the late Gothic (around 1494) and Renaissance (by the Martinic family around 1590) styles. In the 17th century the castle was owned by Jesuits, during the Thirty Year’s War it was heavily damaged and then restored in the Baroque style. After the Jesuit order was discontinued in Bohemia, the Okor castle was deserted in the late 18th century and quickly changed to ruins.
The photo was taken in February 2006.
Tags: Okor, Bohemia, Czech Republic, castle, ruins, gothic, architecture